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Specialist advice for Self-employed

Need specialist mortgage advice because you're self-employed?

Business partners high-fiving after getting self-employed mortgages in Bournemouth

Whether you're a sole trader, Ltd company director or contractor, applying for a mortgage can be tricky. Lenders give you extra hoops to jump through and this can seem overwhelming.

You shouldn't have to spend precious hours getting to grips with each lenders' specific criteria for the self-employed, when you've already got so much going on.

At Bournemouth mortgages, we know how hard it is to navigate the market for the best rates and repayment terms. We have specialist knowledge on which lenders are more willing to lend to the self-employed, who has the best rates, and who has the strictest criteria. And we're experienced in guiding our self-employed customers through the options and completing applications on their behalf. You can read our 5 star reviews here.

Talk to us today so we can let you know how the process works and start searching for the best product for you, giving you back much needed time and energy to focus on your work-life balance. 

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